Gluons, rejection, and other dialetheic issues: new perspectives

Dialetheism is the view that there are true contradictions – i.e., both true and false sentences. It is a controversial thesis, and represents a genuine metaphysical revolution.

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Dialetheism is the view that there are true contradictions – i.e., both true and false sentences. It is a controversial thesis, and represents a genuine metaphysical revolution. It might be very fruitful from several points of view. It can be considered a solution to the whole family of the paradoxes of self-reference, and it might address some actual inconsistent phenomena, such as the transition states and the topological boundaries. Again, it allows the development of an entirely new approach to mathematics, known as inconsistent mathematics, of which very little has been explored by logicians and mathematicians until now. However, there seem to be also significant disadvantages, and its possible success strictly relies on it being cost-effective – i.e. rationally preferable – compared to its competitors. Thus, this work aims to help the assessment of dialetheism, and to give a contribution to tipping the scales in favor or against such a view.